
Introduction============Thisdocumentdescribesacollectionofdevice-mappertargetsthatbetweenthemimplementthin-provisioningandsnapshots.,2018年4月9日—If112freespaceonthedatadevicedropsbelowthislevelthenadmevent113willbetriggeredwhichauserspacedaemonshouldcatchallowing ...,File:thin-provisioning.txt·links:PTS,VCS·area:main·insuites:wheezy·size:692,400kB·sloc:ansic:9,718,050;asm:244,082;xml:40,377;m...


Introduction ============ This document describes a collection of device-mapper targets that between them implement thin-provisioning and snapshots.

device-mapper : thin

2018年4月9日 — If 112 free space on the data device drops below this level then a dm event 113 will be triggered which a userspace daemon should catch allowing ...

File: thin

File: thin-provisioning.txt · links: PTS , VCS · area: main · in suites: wheezy · size: 692,400 kB · sloc : ansic: 9,718,050; asm: 244,082; xml: 40,377; makefile: ...

thin-provisioning.txt - jecluislinux

Introduction ============ This document descibes a collection of device-mapper targets that between them implement thin-provisioning and snapshots.


Introduction ============ This document descibes a collection of device-mapper targets that between them implement thin-provisioning and ...


This document describes a collection of device-mapper targets that between them implement thin-provisioning and snapshots. The main highlight of this ...


Introduction. ============ This document describes a collection of device-mapper targets that. between them implement thin-provisioning and snapshots.